Currency conversions are estimated and should be used for Informational purposes only. Upon checkout, you will be charged in South African Rands.
Currency conversions are estimated and should be used for Informational purposes only. Upon checkout, you will be charged in South African Rands.


As visa requirements vary considerably depending on your nationality, please contact the various embassies or visa service agencies to re-check visa requirements at least four weeks prior to departing for your tour. Please note that visas are the responsibility of the traveller and that JUMP AFRICA TOURS will not be held responsible for clients being denied entry should they not be in the possession of the relevant visas.

Please have a look at Project for all up to date visa requirements and information.

All travellers must be in possession of a valid onward/return air ticket or proof of other means of transport enabling the traveller to leave the country in which your adventure tour terminates. Alternatively you must have proof of sufficient funds (e.g. credit card) enabling you to purchase an air ticket to leave the country. Should the adventure tour you are joining be re-entering a country, be sure to have a multiple entry visa that enables you to re-enter the country.

Note that most visas obtained whilst in Africa must be paid for in cash in US dollars, so make sure you bring dollars with you. Note further that due to the circulation of fake notes, visa-issuing authorities will only accept dollar notes issued after 2003.

In doubt whether you require a visa or just need assistance?

Contact the embassy in your home country or contact:

Visa Solutions (South Africa)
Corner of Riebeeck and Long Streets, 
Cape Town, 8001, South Africa

Telephone +27 (0)21 425 5896


Onward Travel Arrangements

Please ensure that your onward travel arrangements are made before you depart on tour as these cannot be made while on tour.

Please do not book your onward travel on the day the tour ends. If the tour arrives late, you will have a problem – remember, expect the unexpected.


Your passport must have enough pages for all visas, at least 2 pages free for every country that you’ll be visiting.

Please ensure that you take your passport out from your hotel / backpackers safe the night before departure. It is absolutely necessary that you make a copy of your passport and give it to your guides; we strongly recommend that you also leave a copy at home or with some friends. Another good idea would be to take a photo of your passport, and the contents, and email it to yourself.

Please note that South Africa insists on having 2 clear pages available when you enter the country. Keep this in mind if you are going to fly home from South Africa after completing a tour to multiple African countries.

Please ensure that your passport is valid for at least 6 months after your date of departure from Africa.

You are personally responsible for ensuring that passports, visas, vaccination certificates and other travel documents are in order and for all costs relating thereto.

Please note that it is not advisable to use more than one passport (to avoid visa payments) when travelling. For example, when entering Namibia, the immigration official needs to see the exit stamp for South Africa and it must be in the same passport in order to allow entry.